Octoplus Octopus Box Samsung v 2.3.9 Setup Download

Octoplus Octopus Box Samsung v 2.3.9 Setup Download - welcome to our blog Techno Live, now we will discuss information about the Octoplus Octopus Box Samsung v 2.3.9 Setup Download, our admins on this blog has been around to collect information you are looking for so that we usakan to display complete information for you, and in this blog, you can also search for other information, ok please continue reading may be easily understood:

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Octoplus Octopus Box Samsung v 2.3.9 Setup Download

Octoplus / Octopus Box Samsung Software v.2.3.9 is out!

Octoplus/Octopus Box Samsung Software v.2.3.9 is out!
We have added “Factory Unlock” feature and support for Samsung Galaxy C9, Samsung Galaxy On5 2016 Duos TD-LTE, Samsung Galaxy On7 2016 Duos TD-LTE, Samsung Galaxy J3 and other models!

Factory Unlock feature is intended to unlock any phone, with some exceptions, that is not supported by normal means, e.g. QC-based devices with revised security. This will be your emergency button, that you don't really have to touch, like Factory FRP/Reactivation reset. Of course we are focusing on developing new solutions to expand your possibilities in unlocking with no additional charges, but also we hope for this feature to be handy for you one day. Or in two words: it's not obligatory. You don't have to pay for this if you don't really need this

Octoplus/Octopus Box Samsung Software v.2.3.9 Release Notes:
🐙 Added “Factory Unlock” feature!
- This feature costs 220 Octopus credits per phone. Process time: 0-8 hours
- Devices with "Device Unlock App" (T-Mobile and MetroPCS) are not supported and credits will not be refunded!
- Sprint, Verizon devices, which IMEIs starting with 99xx are not supported and credits will not be refunded!
To perform "Factory Unlock" do the next:
Go to "Support & Options" tab in the software
Press "Factory Services (Reset FRP / Unlock)" button
Select UART interface and connect powered on device to Box via UART cable (Samsung C3300k/C3303k micro UART cable with 525-530kOm resistor)
Press "Factory Unlock" button and follow instructions in the software. If software cannot read necessary data from the phone via UART, please select USB interface, connect the phone via USB cable and repeat "Factory Unlock" operation
Factory Unlock process can take 0-8 hours. If the phone will not be unlocked instantly, run the software in a few hours later, press "Status and History" / "Re-fresh" buttons and check unlock status
When status is "Ready", press "Factory Unlock" button again - phone is now unlocked
If device still requests unlock code - enter 00000000 (8 zeroes) code.
🐙 Added support for the following models:
- SM-C9000 - added Read/Write NVM, Write Firmware, Read/Write Security, Read/Write EFS, Read/Write QCN, Enable DIAG, Enable Hidden Languages, Reboot in Download/Recovery mode
- SM-G5700 - added Read/Write NVM, Write Firmware, Read/Write Security, Read/Write EFS, Read/Wrote QCN, Enable DIAG, Enable Hidden Languages, Reboot in Download/Recovery mode
- SM-G6100 - added Read/Write NVM, Write Firmware, Read/Write Security, Read/Write EFS, Read/Wrote QCN, Enable DIAG, Enable Hidden Languages, Reboot in Download/Recovery mode
- SM-J320W8 - added Fast Unlock, Fast Read Codes, Reset FRP (via ADB), Read/Write Security, Read/Write EFS, Enable Hidden Languages, Read PIT, Write Firmware
- SM-J510MN - added Reset FRP, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Write Firmware, Read/Write Security, Read/Write EFS, Read/Wrote QCN, Enable Diag, Enable Hidden Languages, Reboot in Download/Recovery mode
- SM-G389F - Reset FRP (via download mode)
- SM-N930P - added Direct Unlock, Domestic Unlock, Read/Write NVM, Read/Write Security, Read/Write EFS, Read/Write QCN, Enable DIAG, Read PIT, Write Firmware
🐙 Improved "Write Cert" operation for Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge phones: fixed issue, when phone IMEI is 350000000000009 and operation stops after "Exploit has been executed successfully". This issue occurs if phone was processed with other tools.
🐙 All supported operations described in details in the manual ("Cable & Manual" button in the software).

Download Octoplus / Octopus Box Samsung Software v.2.3.9

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A few of our information about the Octoplus Octopus Box Samsung v 2.3.9 Setup Download, I hope you can exploit carefully

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