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Hello! I am going to review one of my favorite Wii U games, Mariokart 8!

Mariokart 8 was released in the middle of 2014 and revolutionized racing games. It is the first HD Mariokart game, so the races look amazing! Also, Nintendo is releasing frequent updates and DLC. DLC (downloadable content) Pack One has been revealed. It will include the characters Link, Tanooki Mario, and Cat Peach. It will also include the races Yoshi Circuit, Hyrule Castle (I think that's what it's called), Wario's Gold Mine, an F-Zero track (I don't remember the name), and the Excitebike Arena!
It also includes the Blue Falcon, Tanooki Jeep, The B-Dasher, and the Master Cycle.

This DLC will come out in late November.
I'm very excited for this and I hope I will get it. You can buy it for $7.99 on the eShop.

There is also a variety of new tracks in Mariokart 8, my favorite being Electrodome.
It also has a good variety of old tracks, and those are really cool with the hang-gliders, submarines, and Anti-Gravity.

The only flaw with the game is that people have found a way to make the nitro last for longer, and that is annoying when I play online.

Overall, this game is great and is worth the $60.
Mariokart 8 gets a 9 out of 10!

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