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(LATEST) Shareit for PC
SHAREit is a free application that lets you send your content at lightning speed between devices including: photos, videos, music, documents, and folders. Transfer gigabytes of files from PC to PC in minutes, without cables, USB drives or network charges. Want to send all of your photos and videos from your phone or tablet to your PC or your PC to your phone or tablet? It's easy and fast with SHAREit.
Wireless devices with SHAREit can automatically find each other when in range. Transfer HUGE files and videos in seconds, up to 40 x faster than Bluetooth. SHAREit allows file sharing with added security and privacy, files are saved directly on your devices, not in the cloud. Transfer your files between all Windows, Android, iPhone & iPad devices.
Key features include:
- Share everything with other devices – pictures, videos, music files, documents, and contacts.
- Devices with SHAREit can automatically find each other when in range.
- Transfer HUGE files and videos in seconds …up to 40x faster than Bluetooth.
- Share without the need for Bluetooth, phone network or active Wi-Fi network; devices wirelessly connect directly.
- Even the app itself can be shared to other devices wirelessly, and rapid sharing can begin immediately.
- Supports group sharing up to 5 devices simultaneously. Instantly share a party video, music album or photo library to up to five friends simultaneously
Frequently Asked Questions
What is SHAREit?
SHAREit is a free application from Lenovo that lets you easily share files and folders among smartphones, tablets, and personal computers.
What operating systems does it run on?
SHAREit is available for any Windows, Android, or iOS device.
Can I share files between different operating systems?
Yes. You can share files from an Android phone to a Windows tablet, from a Windows notebook to an iPad, etc.
Do I need cables, bluetooth, or an active Wi-Fi network nearby to connect to other devices?
No. You can simply connect using your device's Wi-Fi radio. This avoids any network charges.
Note: If you're using an iOS device, then the receiving device must be on the same local WiFi network.
How can I invite other friends to start using SHAREit with me?
Simply click the "Invite friends" link in the SHAREit app to instantly send them an e-mail that contains the SHAREit download link. You can also tell them to visit
How fast is the file transfer?
About 40 times faster than Bluetooth.
Is there a limit on the size of a file I can share?
No, but very large files will take longer to share.
What type of files can I send?
Any documents, photos, music, videos, and even apps.
Can I share a whole folder at a time?
Yes. After you choose to send files, the file browser will open. Select the folder you want to send and click 'Select'.
Can other SHAREit users connect to my device and start sharing files without my approval?
No. You must first accept their connection invitation before they can start sharing files with you.
How can I get the latest SHAREit updates?
SHAREit will automatically check for the latest updates.
I have SHAREit running, but can’t others to connect with. Why?
Make sure:
- You both have SHAREit launched and running on your devices
- You have selected different roles, that is, one of you is a sender, and the other is a receiver.
- Both devices have their wireless radios turned on.
NOTE: Some devices with wireless cards operating on 802.11a/b/g (using a 2.4 GHz radio) may not be able to find others using the SHAREit SoftAP (which creates a 5GHz hotspot). This is a common issue that can be resolved on the receiver side by going to:
- Control Panel / Device Manager / Network Adapter
- Next click on the wireless card, and go to: Properties / Advanced / Wireless mode selection.
- Then select a mode without 802.11a
How can users submit feedback?
In the Options section of the Windows application, there is a link to submit 'Feedback'. The phone app also has this option. Please note that we cannot respond to all the feedback we receive.
Does iOS support off network sharing
No. Currently, iOS does not support off network sharing, (If you want to receive a file on an iPhone, then you must be on the same network with the same SSID.)
Does the PC version support “Group Share”
No. Currently, the PC version does not support "Group Share".
Can I share “Contacts” with SHAREit with iOS, Android and Windows operating systems?
No. Currently, “Contacts” can only be shared with only the Android operating system.
Has SHAREit been tested on all Android platform versions?
No. SHAREit has been tested on Android versions 2.1 and higher
How to resolve the conflict between SHAREit and Access Connections?
You have installed the Access Connections program on your computer and created one or more Best Available Network profiles. If the wireless adapter is not placed at the top of the network adapter list in the profile settings, SHAREit will not work correctly. SHAREit will detect the conflict and prompt you to change the profile settings as follows:
- Launch Access Connections, and switch to the "Advanced" mode.
- Click the “Location Profiles” tab, and select the profile prompted by SHAREit. Then click “Edit”.
- On the window that is displayed, select the wireless adapter in the network adapter list and click the “Higher” button to move the wireless adapter to the top.
- Click “OK” to save the changes.
- If the conflict involves multiple profiles, repeat step 2 to step 4 to change the settings of the remaining involved profiles.
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