Installing ThoughtWorks Go Server & Agent on a Digital Ocean droplet

Installing ThoughtWorks Go Server & Agent on a Digital Ocean droplet - welcome to our blog Techno Live, now we will discuss information about the Installing ThoughtWorks Go Server & Agent on a Digital Ocean droplet, our admins on this blog has been around to collect information you are looking for so that we usakan to display complete information for you, and in this blog, you can also search for other information, ok please continue reading may be easily understood:

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    Installing ThoughtWorks Go Server & Agent on a Digital Ocean droplet

    Today I experimented with installing ThoughtWorks Go CD Server and agent on a Digital Ocean droplet. Here are the steps (pretty simple!):

    Step 1: Create a CentOS 6.7x64 droplet. Give it some name, e.g: "centos-droplet". Ensure that you choose a minimum of 1GB RAM, and enable Private Networking option while creating the droplet.

    Step 2: Login as root to your new droplet.
    ssh root@
    Step 3: Add host entry for your droplet name. For instance, if your droplet is called "centos-droplet":
    vi /etc/hosts
    centos-droplet     localhost   
    Step 4: Install Open JDK7 (you can also install just the JRE)
    sudo yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel
    Step 5: Ensure that java is installed
    java -version
    Step 6: Now register ThoughtWorks Go YUM repo by executing the following command:
    echo "
    name = GoCD YUM Repository
    baseurl =
    enabled = 1
    gpgcheck = 0
    > /etc/yum.repos.d/thoughtworks-go.repo
    Step 7: Install the Go Server
    yum install -y go-server

    Step 8: Check if Go Server service is running. If not, start the service. 
    service go-server status 
    service go-server start 
    Step 9:  The server should now be running on port 8153. You should be able to open a browser on your laptop, and connect to the remote Digital Ocean droplet Go server UI on http://ip-of-your-droplet:8153/go

    Step 10: Install the Go Agent (on the same droplet)
    yum install -y go-agent
    Step 11: Check if Go Agent service is running. If not, start the service. 
    service go-agent status 
    service go-agent start 
    On the droplet you can run 'ps -ef | grep java' to see the server, and agent processes.

    At this point, both your Go server and agent should be up and running. If you go to the "Agents" tab in your Go Server UI, you should be able to see this agent registered (with the same name as your droplet machine name).

    That's it. You should be good to Go! If there are any issues, you can check server logs at /var/log/go-server and agent logs at /var/log/go-agent folder.

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