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EXCLUSIVE ! Make a QUIZ application for Android
Create Android Application.. Without coding skills!
In this guide, i will show you how can you create an interactive android app for a Exam/Quiz/Mock tests or practice questions, without need to learn programming!This quiz app will have multiple choice for multi domain questions and answers, levels, answer justifications, share button and more...
You can test your students, colleagues and maybe your familly members and friends knowledge out with this fantastic quiz style app.
You can also upload your app on Google Play and earn money from ad banners using AdMob or StartApp! Or you can sell it (if you are convicted that your final work will deserve it!)
You should already have the Android SDK installed on your computer, if you dont, follow the guide to Installing the Android SDK before you start.Let's go !
Create a StartApp developper account and get your Publisher ID or you can use AdMob.
why StartApp? Better ad formats, Uniquely engaging ad units, New & innovative add options, Smooth integration, Swift & iOS 8 support
We gonna make a small investment (18$) to buy our ready-made quiz application template, for this, create a FREE account here then go buy the Quiz package.
- Extract the downloaded zip file for getting the eclipse package
- Now open the eclipse and import the project into it
- Make sure that the libraries are in the class path
- Add the google_play_service_lib project to path:
Right click on project > properties > Android > Add, select google_play_service_lib then click apply
- Open androidManifestfile.xml and change the package name to your own (eg. com.kloudportal.simpleexam)
- Copy the SimpleExam.xlsx in the eclipse project into your system. Open it and type the PASSWORD as ''exam'', click ok, new window appears:
Here you can change the data in the SimpleExam.xlsx file with your question (we'll find how in the last step)
- Upload the SimpleExam.xlsx into the sky drive and get the public url, to do that, lets open Google Chrome browser and enter the website: (or make a search with ''skydrive'' on google to find the link)
Login (or create an account), upload your SimpleExam.xlsx file and select it then click share.
When you get the link, copy it and past it somewhere (Notepad for eg)
Find the ''resid'' from that link and past it in the (eg.
How? Open the, find and replace your resid in this line:
String url=''
- NOTE: If you changed the password for the SimpleExam.xlsx file then you need to change the password in the code also (changing password can be done by opening file > passwords...)
- Open and find the below line and replace your password in the double quotes:
- Changing your logo:
LDPI should be 36 x 36
MDPI should be 48 x 48
HDPI should be 72 x 72
XHDPI should be 96 x 96
XXHDPI should be 144 x 144
Create your icon with name ic_launcher.png (with different dimensions for hdpi, ldpi, mdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi and place them in respective folders in res).
- Changing the Reach Us page: The contact number/Web Site Url and the email address:
Go to and change the text in double quotes in the below two lines with your data:
telephone.setText(''040 8888888888/your web url'')
- Changing the data in the SimpleExam.xlsx file:
How to change the questions:
Add the name of your quiz in GlobalSheet. Ex. Quiz name: Maths, Levels: MathsLevel1, MathsLevel2, MathsLevel3, MathsLevel4
Will be in this format:
- Creating the MathsLevel1 questions:
Creat a new sheet with name ''MathsLevel1'' (click on '' + '' and add your new sheet like the picture below)
Dont forget! Name should be same in global page and sheet name
- Creating Questions for Levels:
For ex. Lets takes MathsLevel1 question: Type:
Question | Option1 | Option2 | Option3 | Option4 | Answer | Reason For Answer | Time In Min | 2
''Time In Min'' means how much time for the quiz (Change it for what ever you want, for ex. 2, the quiz will takes 2 minutes)
''Reason For Answer'' is optional
- Lets add a question now:
Who is father of math | Maths1 | Maths2 | Maths3 | Maths4 | 2 | Because he invented it |
Finally, you can change AdMob banners ids in strings.xml file with your AdMob id
<string name=''banner_ad_unit_id''>ca-app-pub-3426475354391103/1279030275-
<string name=''banner-ad-unit-reult''>ca-app-pub-3426475354391103/1279030275</string>
We are done! You can export your project from ECLIPSE (don't miss to create your keystore and save it, you'll need it for Google Play and your application updates)
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