Best 15 Wordpress Plugins That You Can Use

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Best 15 Wordpress Plugins That You Can Use

Hi This is arif ahmad greets you all on our todays tutorial about best 15 wordpress plugins that you should use! lets start to know about those plugins..
Add Logo to Admin
We can see word-press logo in many places including dash-boards. You can use your own logo instead of word-press logo by using this plug-in. These are very nice plug-ins.

All in one Favicon
You can add your desired ad easily on Favicon at your own choice at the Back-end and Front-end of your Word-press site by using the All in One Favicon Plug-in. 

WP Page Navi
Page navigation is very important for designing a user friendly site. You can easily add a page navigation by using this user friendly Plug-in.   

Contact Form Seven
By using the Plug-in, you can easily create Contact Forms for your Word-press site. Moreover, there remain lots of scopes to make it gorgeous. So, make the contact form of your site.  

Smart 404
The Plug-in is very much smart in its activity as it is smart in its name. You can redirect the site 404 that is the broken link/ pages to some other pages by this plug-in. For this reason this plug-in is very importantly required to manage the different search engines. 

All In One SEO Pack
All In One SEO Pack is a very important plug-ins to SEO the site, by this, you can give the default title to your site, page and post and you can also use separate title. Moreover you can put meta keywords and description pages on your every pages and posts as per your desire. You can also use all in one SEO Pack for the seo of your site.

Google XML Sitemap
For building sitemap and to submit it to the search engines of a word-press blog this is a very nice plug-in. By using this, you can easily make the sitemap of your site.

WP Re-Captcha
This plug-in has no alternative to stop the spam of your site. You can easily get the Google’s Captcha Service by using this plug-in.

Side Bar Login
For keeping the login panel in the side bar users do not have to login on other pages. You can easily make the login panel on the sidebar by using this plug-in.

Jekuyeri Drill Down iPod Menu
You can enhance the beauty of the site by making excellent drop-down menu in the sidebar made ​​by the plug-in.

Hide Update Reminder message

If you keep guest blogging system in your blogs, and if you wish not to show the update messages to others in your site then this plug-in is the great solution for you.

Meta Tag Manager
By using all in seo plug-ins It is not possible to use any other meta, other than the meta keyword and description, for this reason, this plug-ins are very much useful for using the meta names from the dashboard.

WP copy protect
Do anybody copy-paste from your site? Install this plug-in. By this, you can select the content of your site or disable the right-click or can do both the job.

Header Footer

By this plug-in, you can add beautiful ad-materials on the Header and Footer part of your Home Page and you can add html code there to make beautiful ad-materials. I personally like this plug-in very much.

Light Social
You can add your content by providing sharing system to various social sharing sites by this plug-in. This is a beautiful plug-in to add social sharing option

Simple Facebook comments
By this, you can make the system of making comments on your website.

WP Pools
By using this plug-in you can arrange to vote in your site. Many other plug-ins are there to collect your votes. 

Articles Best 15 Wordpress Plugins That You Can Use finished we discussed

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