This is about : Implementation of Leach Protocol NS2
And this article : Implementation of Leach Protocol NS2
Implementation of Leach Protocol NS2
This is only the steps to install and run the LEACH protocol on version 2.27 of ns2 .The LEACH implementation was written as a stand-alone application. Thus, in the past a version compiled for LEACH may or may not work for other protocols. In addition, the original version of LEACH was compiled for version 2.5b which is an outdated version of ns2.
Setup Procedure
Setup Procedure
1. Obtain the ns-allinone-2.27.tar.gz package. This can be found at:
2. Unpackage the archive
gunzip ns-allinone-2.27.tar.gz
tar xvf ns-allinone-2.27.tar
3. Change directory to ns-allinone-2.27
cd ns-allinone-2.27
4. run the install script
4. run the install script
5. Add the appropriate environment variables as specified at the end of installation.
6. Obtain the mit.tar.gz package at
7. Place the mit.tar.gz package into the ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27 directory.
8. Change directory to ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27
9. Unpackage the archive which will overwrite all appropriate files and set up symbolic links.
gunzip mit.tar.gz
tar xvf mit.tar
gunzip mit.tar.gz
tar xvf mit.tar
10. A sample make file can be found at Edit the Makefile as follows:
Add DMIT_uAMPS to the DEFINE list
Add I./mit/rca I./mit/uAMPS to the INCLUDE list
Add the following just prior to the line gaf/gaf.o \
mit/rca/energy.o mit/rca/rcagent.o \
mit/rca/rca-ll.o mit/rca/resource.o \
mac/mac-sensor-timers.o mac/mac-sensor.o mit/uAMPS/bsagent.o \
11. Clean up previous build
make clean
make clean
12. Rebuild ns2 this can take a while so I recommend redirecting output, running in background and going to lunch.
nohup make 2>error.log >make.log &
13. Test default wireless demo and LEACH
14. Validate the full installation this takes a while too so take a break
nohup ./validate-full 2>validate.error >validate.log &
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