LIVE Ariane 5 Launch Coverage - International Space Station (ISS) Re-Supply Mission

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LIVE Ariane 5 Launch Coverage - International Space Station (ISS) Re-Supply Mission

Shortwave America is proud to cover yet ANOTHER space communications event TONIGHT in the form of the launch of Ariane 5! Here are the launch window times:

Also see the Arianespace Mission Update. Space Flight Now will also have live streaming coverage of this launch.

From ArianeSpace: "Named after Italian physicist Edoardo Amaldi, Europe’s third ATV will carry "dry cargo" (including experiments, food, clothing, tools and spare parts), along with water, gas and propellant for delivery to the crewed orbital facility. The Ariane 5 mission has a total lift performance of over 20,000 kg., which includes the ATV’s mass of more than 19,700 kg. – representing the heaviest payload ever to be orbited by Ariane 5."

LIVE Launch Event Detail Log
Unfortunately, there was no pre-launch coverage and the live launch was in French, so providing coverage of this event was not possible. However, you may enjoy this video of the launch from early this morning.You'll see that there was very little commentary, and weather conditions made for horrible launch coverage. 

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