Type of Mobile Phone Batteries and about its works, damages and safety

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Type of Mobile Phone Batteries and about its works, damages and safety

There are complete notes about Mobile Phone Battery and Memory Effect.Because of memory effect your mobile phone will be damage as various type.There are all damages which you have seen because of damage your phone battery.

Mobile phone battery is a Rechargeable (cells) battery which has long life time and good efficiency. we can see these batteries as four types. they are NiCd, NiMH, Li-Ion, Li-Polymer.

Kinds of mobile phone battery.

  • NiCd
  • NiMH
  • Li-Ion
  • Li-Polymer

NiCd and NiMH  Battery

These Batteries are used in old version mobile phones. Nowadays we cant see these batteries in latest mobile phones but these batteries are used for Laptoop or CDMA phones or some electronic machines. .However before few years these batteries were the most popular and cheapest Rechargable battery in the mobile phone industry.

Li-Ion or Li-Polymer

These Batteries are used in latest phones and electronics machines and also it have long life time and efficiency.When we think about mobile phone faults, some faults are comes with battery. Then we want to identify what are the faults comes with battery and how can we solve it. fistly we want to know about battery pin out and types of pin out

  • GND : Ground or negative Terminal
  • BAT : Battery Positive Terminal
  • BSI : Battery Site Indicator
  • BTemp : Battery Temparature.
GND or Negative Terminal
Ground or negative terminal is a refference point for measuring other voltage or returning point for electric current and alos it is same to negative battery terminal.

VBat or Positive terminal is also known as Battery Positive terminal , BAT+ or +.

BSI is also known as Battery status Indicator or Battery System Indicator.There are some mobile phones, which has shorter BSI pin. It is because when the battery is being removed when the phone is turned on, the BSI circuit interrupts first, which tells the processor to shut down all communication to prevent damage.

The battery block contains BSI resistor for battery identification. The BSI fixed resistor value indicates the chemistry and default capacity of a battery. Temperature and capacity information is needed for charge control (charging current and the voltage).
It is connected to resistor to GND. The phone measures the resistance of the BSI - GND connectors, and it can determine which kind of battery is in the phone.
Examples: Nokia NiMH batteries:
  • BMC-2 640mAH 3.3 kOhm
  • BMC-3 900mAH 5.6 kOhm

Nokia Li-Ion batteries:
  • LB-2 650 mAH 68 kOhm
  • BLC-2 900 mAH 75 kOhm

Battery Temperature

B Temp is also known as Battery Temperature or NTC. The battery block contains NTC (and usually BSI) resistors for temperature measurement. Temperature and capacity information is needed for charge control. These resistors are connected to BSI and BTEMP pins of the battery connector.

The phone stops the charging, if the battery is starting to overheating.
In case of NTC thermistor, if the temperature increasing, the resistance decreasing. The temperature of the battery make the resistance beetween the GND and the BTemp change.

There are batteries which don't have BTemp connector. In this case, the phone has the temperature meter which is in the mobile phone, close to the battery.(via wikipedia)

How Mobile Phone Batteries are damage

  • Because of Charging, using high voltage or bad chargers
  • Droping the Batteries   often
  • Water Damage
  • Pluging charger before Battery Low
  • Plug out charger before Battery Full
  • Keep in magnatic field area
  • Because of phones Short ciricuit
  • Make a call during charging time
  • Because of high temperature

How keep your mobile phone battery in safe

  • Avoid dropping the cell phone often. They can cause a very heavy damage to the Battery.
  • Do not use High charger or bad charger
  • Charger plug in after Battery low
  • Charger plug out after Battery full
  • Keep away the phone or the Battery from anything hot.
  • Don’t put the phone or the Battery in water.
  • Do not apply too much of pressure on the Battery
  • Never attach or solder anything to the Battery.
  • Do not put Battery near the magnatic fields.
These note will be help for preventing damages which are comes with mobile phone Battery and also please check next page for Memory Effect and What are the damages of its and how can you prevent it.Try to be a clever technician.

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