How To Get A Good Credit Score To Avoid High Interest Loans

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How To Get A Good Credit Score To Avoid High Interest Loans

If you are fond of playing tricks with your electricity or water bills, think again. A bad utility payment record might just deny you that coveted car or housing loan. Credit scoring is set to play a big role in how banks and other financial institution determine who give credit and how much and what rate of interest to charge depending on your financial history.

Simply, a credit score is a number representing the credit-worthiness of a person or the likelihood that person will pay his or her debts. It has shown to be very predictive of risk, made credit more widely available consumers and lowered the cost of providing credit. /2011/11/how-to-get-good-credit-score-to-avoid.html#more">Read More »

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4 Responses to "How To Get A Good Credit Score To Avoid High Interest Loans"

  1. Hello. This is very useful information and of course many people will be interested, especially those who have loans. I also wanted to take out a business loan and considered a lot of options and found an interesting blog that also describes in great detail how different loans differ.

  2. Great info! I always search loans with low interest because you can really save money on payments in this case. I agree that your credit score is quite important here. By the way I can also share good tips about how to improve your credit, here is a link

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
